16. 8. 2021
We’ve been busy. We dealt with crisis situations in South Moravia
HUTIRA – PSV Ivančice has in its job description everything related to the gas industry. It provides earthworks and installation works, it reconstructs and implements gas pipeline networks, also by trenchless method. These are always carefully planned events that save investors time and money. From time to time, however, situations arise where it is necessary to act urgently and deal with sudden events.
One such intervention was securing a gas pipeline during the landslip in Kopečná Street in Brno. The roadway collapsed near the construction site of an apartment building on the night of 2 to 3 August. In addition to construction workers, firefighters and police were at the site. Employees of HUTIRA – PSV Ivančice provided assistance to GasNet Services in securing the gas pipeline.
A longer and more demanding intervention took place from 28 June to 8 July in the South Moravian villages that were hit by a devastating tornado. “Our company participated in the removal of the consequences in Moravská Nová Ves in cooperation with GasNet Services, the operator of the gas pipeline network,” explained Libor Šustr, Operations Director of HUTIRA – PSV Ivančice.
“The work involved excavation and backfilling of gas pipelines to restore gas supply to parts of the village that were not touched by the tornado and at the same time shutting down those parts of the village that were threatened by extensive gas leaks at damaged houses,” Libor Šustr, the Operations Director, outlined the circumstances of the intervention. The workers of HUTIRA – PSV Ivančice also carried out earthworks during the disconnection of the houses from the distribution network, which were designated for demolition by the structural engineer. The actual disconnection was carried out by the gas company’s specialists. “We managed to complete the task of getting the gas supply to the households that were not damaged by the tornado back into operation as soon as possible and to enable their normal functioning in a very short time,” Libor Šustr summarized.