19. 8. 2021
Conference showed the present and future of biogas
In June, the Czech Biomass Association (CZ BIOM) organized a conference on Biogas and Legislation. Due to the fact that our company HUTIRA green gas is an active member of the Association, its Director Hynek Faktor also went to the conference. “At HUTIRA green gas, we are actively involved in projects aimed at converting biogas into biomethane, its subsequent injection into the network and further use. That is why visiting this conference was very beneficial for us,” explained Mr. Faktor.
The conference programme included many current topics related to the use of biogas and biomethane in the Czech energy sector and industry, taking into account the current development of legislation. Part of the programme was also devoted to current trends and especially the expected amendment to the Act on the Support of Use of Renewable Energy Sources.
The recording of the conference is available on the YouTube channel of CZ BIOM.
Zdroj fotografií: CZ BIOM