25. 10. 2021
Both domestic and foreign clients turn to us with interesting orders.
Cleaning and disinfection of water tanks is one of the many services provided for the clients by HUTIRA – VISION. Over the years, our employees have gained a lot of experience as well as interesting references from various organizations and premium companies. This summer, two more projects were added to the portfolio.
The first one was for Armádní servisní, the contributory organization of the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic. It comprised of the first phase of cleaning, sanitization and decontamination of water tanks, including the analyses of drinking water complying with Decree No. 252/2004, which lays down hygienic requirements for drinking and hot water, as well as the frequency and scope of drinking water inspections. We have already described how such cleaning of the water tank normally looks like. We performed the required work for Armádní servisní on schedule, and their drinking water meets the limits set by the Decree after cleaning.
However, we provide a similar service not only for domestic but also for foreign customers. Another job took our employees to Holland Shipyards in Vlissingen, the Netherlands, where we cleaned tanks and disinfected pipeline for OWM Offshore Water Management, which is engaged in servicing, maintenance and consultancy in the oil, gas and maritime transport sectors.
The first step was to analyse and evaluate the condition of the drinking water technology. Afterwards, it was necessary to clean the tanks and disinfect the pipeline. Subsequently, the old UV lamps were dismantled and replaced with new ones, including a new system for dosing chlorine into the pipeline. The HUTIRA VISION service team also carried out minor plumbing work within the client’s accommodation premises, such as the installation of showers, taps and toilets. Overall, the work was finished within 3 weeks.
If you care about the quality of drinking water and your analysis shows that your water contains an excessive amount of undesirable substances, do not hesitate to contact us at info@hutiravision.com, we will be happy to solve your problem.